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Introduction of Environmental Flame Retardant Fabrics
Date:2019-02-23 15:12:03
There are many international standards for flame retardant textiles, such as British BS, German DIN, Canadian GCSB, American FS, Swiss SNV, Japanese JIS, French ANF, Swedish SIS, Chinese GB and international ISO. Regions and organizations in some countries, such as New York, Boston, California and other large cities or states in the United States, as well as the Department of Commerce (DOCFF), the Department of Transport (DOT) and military agencies, and organizations, societies or associations, such as the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), the Association of Textile Chemists and Dyers (AATCC), and the Society for Material Testing (ASTM), all have their own standards and testing methods. There are different testing methods for different types of special textile products or finished products.
1. Standards of flame retardant textiles commonly used in China
(1) GB17591 Flame Retardant Woven Fabric
The standard specifies the product classification, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, packaging and marking of flame retardant woven fabrics. The standard divides the flame retardancy of flame retardant woven fabrics into two levels: 1) B1 level: damage length < 150MM, duration < 5S, ignition time < 5S; 2) B2 level: damage length < 200MM, duration < 15S, ignition time < 10S. The flame retardant properties were tested according to GB/T5455. According to the use of the product or the assessment level determined by the supplier and the demander through consultation, the general B1 level is applicable to decorative cloth for clothing and special needs, and the B2 level is applicable to various decorative cloth.
Fireproof fabric
Flame retardant fabric
(2) GB8965 Flame Retardant Protective Clothing
This standard stipulates the technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, signs, packaging, transportation and storage of fire-retardant protective clothing. It is only applicable to fire-retardant clothing for workers engaged in open fire, spark emission, operation near molten metal and places where flammable substances are dangerous to fire. The flame retardant properties of the garments should be tested according to GB/T5455 and meet the B1 level requirements specified in GB17591.
Fire-proof suit
Fire-proof suit
(3) GB50222 "Code for Fire Prevention of Interior Decoration Design of Buildings"
The standard stipulates the flame retardant requirements and test methods of decorative fabrics such as curtains, curtains, bedspreads, furniture wrappings, etc. According to GB/T5455 vertical test method, decorative fabrics in underground civil buildings must meet B1 level requirements, decorative fabrics in high-rise civil buildings must meet B1 level requirements, bedding in high-rise residential buildings and hotels should meet B1 level requirements, and curtains, curtains and furniture wrappings should also meet B1 or B2 level requirements according to different buildings and places.

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